Fr. Robert (Bob) Herald has passed away…4th Degree members needed for Wake and Funeral

Fr. Bob Herald

Fr. Robert (Bob) Herald died in Hearne on Monday, October 8, 2012. Hillier Funeral Home is handling the burial. Father Bob will have the wake in St. Mary’s Church in Hearne on Thursday afternoon, October 11, 2012 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm followed by a Rosary. They are asking the 4th degree Knights in Full Regalia for the Wake and also be Pall Bearers for the burial on Friday. We need to have our members fall out for this event. Fr. Bob was our Faithful Friar for Assembly #2041 for several years and loved the Knights of Columbus.

The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Joe on Friday @ St. Mary’s Church in Hearne. The Mass will start at 10:00 am followed by the burial of Fr. Bob in Hearne. I am also asking Assembly #1091 of Bryan to fall out in Full Regalia with our Assembly #2041 and honor the death of one of our local priest and to be there for our Bishop Joe in Hearne on Friday’s Mass for Fr. Bob Herald.

This Assembly #2041 will talk more tonight at its regular 4th Degree meeting at Zurek Hall. Remember, pot luck dinner, social starts at 6:15 pm followed by meal around 7:00 pm with the 4th Degree meeting starting around 8:00 pm. Hope to see our Sir Knights tonight at the meeting….May the souls of the departed rest in peace.

FN SK CJ Romero

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