We have dedicated the ultrasound machine @ CTOMA


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We have dedicated the ultrasound machine @ CTOMA and they are now open and ready for the very serious business of saving babies’ lives. There are so many people we need to thank for the successful completion of this project.

First I want to thank Karen Hall for her vision, and her willingness to partner with the Knights of Columbus to make the ultrasound project a reality. When we started this project we had no idea of the obstacles that would be placed in front of us, but Karen stepped forward and asked us for our help, and we gladly obliged. Thanks also to Bobby Reynoso and the Coalition for Life for their help and assistance with this project.

I want to thank Mark and Pat Schoenemann, Emil Ogden, Russ Kellen, Dr. Barry Veazey, Dr. Tim & Lisa Fields, St. Joseph Council 11759, Cameron Council 12601, Caldwell Council 6366, and Texas A&M Council 10624 for their financial contributions to the wine & cheese fundraiser that helped raise the funds to purchase the ultrasound. Thank you to our Supreme Council for supplying the matching grant. I want to thank our State Deputy, Tony Herreth, for taking the time to come to Bryan/College Station and celebrate this achievement with us.

Thanks to Al Mazoch for bringing the liquid refreshments to this evening’s dedication. Thank you Deacon Ted for your most gracious blessing of the ultrasound machine and the room in which it resides. Thank you to all of the Knights who showed up this evening for the dedication; Darrell Lovelette, Dick Allen, Mark Schoenemann, Bob Albanese, C. J. Romero, Ray Thomas, Al Mazoch, Dr. Paul Ogden and Bobby Reynoso.

This is a great milestone in our Council’s history, and we should all be proud of what was accomplished. Years from now people will point to this project and say it’s what turned the tide in the local culture wars. God bless.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight

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