2010-2011 KC3205 Budget


The Council budget for July 2010 to June 2011 has been posted on
google groups and you can get a copy by clicking here.  Please review this
document prior to our council meeting.  We will vote on this budget on
July 7.

I want to thank our Budget Committee of Adrian Martinez, Tim Murphy,
Darrell Lovelette, Art Barry, Bob Albanese, Russ Kellen, Michael
Hlavinka and Leonard Muesse.  They all worked very hard on crafting a
document that we can be proud of .

I would also like to thank the officers and directors who met on June
16 to review the budget document, suggest any changes and lend their
support.  They were lead by Leonard Muesse our Program Director for
the coming year.

With nearly 300 members we have a council operations budget of
$11,300.00 and a Charity budget of more than $23,000.00.

I hope we will have a big turnout for our meeting on July 7, it’s
important to have all of your input for this budget.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight-elect

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