Congratulations to our 2019-2020 Council award winners:
Knight of the Year – Jesus Perez.
Jesus has been extremely active since joining the council. He has attended and volunteered at almost every council function. In addition, he has stepped up as a Knight to assist with many areas at our church including Aquinasfest, Pro-Life activities, and more.

Family of the Year – Eric and Barbara Phillips.
Eric is very active in the council and one of our head organizers for our Lenten Fish Fry season. He is also very active with Habitat for Humanity. His wife, Barbra accompanies Eric to assist at many of our functions. She also works in and is a vital part our church office and often assists the council logistically in many of our activities on campus.

Bob Boler Award (for Community Service) – Roger Martinez
Roger Martinez coordinated with the church to provide bus transportation for many to attend this past year’s Pro-Life Day in Austin. He also was heavily involved in the One Hope project, an all faiths gathering that took place at Kyle Field. Roger will be our new Pro-Life committee chairman for the council. In addition, through his work at Texas A&M, he has assisted many students and is working with faculty and staff on efforts to restore faith and morals to the University as a whole.