Grand Knight’s Column

Darrell Perkins, Grand Knight


Thank you for visiting our council’s website. We have a very active council with over 300 members. There is not a more important organization to be a part of as a Catholic gentleman than the Knights of Columbus. The Knights of Columbus was originally established to protect and support our member’s families in times of need or death, and we continue to do so, especially with our insurance program. Over the years, the Knights of Columbus have also become a powerful force in supporting our priests, deacons and seminarians; protecting our Catholic values such as life, families and marriage; providing countless volunteer hours in helping our families, churches and communities; and supporting charitable benefactors with our fundraising including Special Olympics, Habitat for Humanity, St. Vincent De Paul, military veterans and more.

If you are a current member, a prospective member, or anyone with interest in our council please feel free to email your inquiries to